Saturday, February 14, 2015

'from flyingburgers to shit & things'

I wonder how script writers and novelists made their way towards the creation of an appealing storyline. Not that everything we see or read nowadays is incredible. But in most cases they are and that they keep up with the changing time. There have been a lot of stories that made me roar in wonder. It is therefore realistically amazing how one writer connects his or her ideas together to form an effective and enjoyable plot. And what's more stunning to me are those stories that doesnt have clear real life patterns. Like the ones created just by bare imagination. Tolkien & Rowling's adventure books that tackle witchcraft & wizardry for instance. I wonder how they started envisioning those things? These two have authored books with stories that never really happen in real life. In those books they have accorded specific terms to every scene, every activity and every character to depict a certain culture that needed to be portrayed. How they formulated vague ideas and how they made it grande must have had a lot of propelling from their minds like they never run out of a thought in expounding the every detail of those terms they coined. That made me think that they may have lived their lives differently from us -having eccentric perceptions and bold senses. Or who knows, I suspect that maybe what they have written were their real life's troubling experiences -doing very very uncommon practices, hiding out the truth that they are real witches and wizards themselves..

Anyway, uncommon practices in several cultures are no longer considered hard earned news. In fact, instead of seeing them on primetime reports and on newspapers, they now comprise the entertainment page of every magazine and tv show. Like those seen on tv documentaries featuring stuff like live exorcism and real people experiencing ghost, these now have become of less interest to viewers. And while the society begins to adopt and understand these new behaviors, the media continues their effort to search and deliver whatever they think would be of interest to the audience. Even those really weird practices by people from other territories are now televised to entertain the audience. I remember a group of people from the PRC who believed that a soup made of a dead womb would cure illnesses gained so much criticism. There was also this clip of an ad for a shower gel showing women bathing nude in public with soap bubbles covering their bodies seducingly asking the men to try the gel and rub it through them. These things only showed that our world doesnt stop reinventing itself and it is only up to us on whether we open up ourselves to the new concepts that will again redefine what we already established as social norms.

Oh yeah, even we Pnoys have emerged to accepting new changes around us. Although we are still trapped in an era of Catholicism, the majority of the society is no longer a lap dog. We now have learned to voice out our opinions loudly and we no longer hesitate to criticize; we dont condone fighting but we agree to do it fiercely when needed; not only that we continued hoping and dreaming, we also have began trying harder to soar higher than ever. We have evolved. And maybe that change is also the very reason why most of us have come to learn and appreciate this new tv show with a theme that we once considered socially disgusting and immorally upright. Although it is possible that there are still lots of people against it, probably millions of them -the fact remains that having it broadcasted on national television is a giant leap towards gender equality. Whew! I am actually talking about GMA's 'My Husband's Lover".

Saying all these made me hungry!! I wish there is really a thing like that of a flyingburger where we could just shout and ask and it would come. And hopefully it wont limit itself to just burgers -to include flying-chocobars, flying-ice creams, flying-softdrinks and flying-anything. Surely if that happens, we would be hearing everyone around us shouting with their voices reverberting and that lots and lots of small things are endlessly flying. Hahaha! In any case, even if I am granted hundreds of wishes, I wont really fancy asking this kind of a wish, not even a slight chance at the very end. I think it is pathetic. I think that the all time favorite wish list that we always hear in a fantasy movie and in a cartoon show is still the best, that's classic you see.

Oh shit, I'm still hungry. Imagining all those things made my stomach grr. Omg! If there is just any food here to eat, anything at all, whatever that may be, I would have swallowed it already... But why is it that suddenly I remember those exotic Thai foods. It's in my head. Eww. My mind is currently painting that push cart we saw the last time we were in Bangkok selling exotic Thai food which mostly are cooked in a fryer with that oil strainer. Omg! It's all in my head now -all deep fried items -scorpions, grasshoppers, ants, lizards, frogs, beetles and more. Oh God! I clearly remember them all. Eww. I wanna puke now.

Well atleast I never had to see them cooking something really really disgusting, something that I always hear back then. I dont know if this happens normally to everyone but whenever I'm with my Bisdak friends talking about random stuff that we could think about, we always end up talking about 'shit'.. And when that happens we kinda stop. Hahaha!

So yeah, we just did that and now we better stop. Lol

this is how I went into liking 'flyingburger' as pen name.
first published on facebook June 29, 2013.

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