Monday, October 15, 2012

Life Vs. Happyness - An Instant Thought

28 years and still I am driving my way towards knowing my purpose in life. Does this really happen to everyone? Does life itself loses its meaning? I'm damned again. Haha! With those lofty years, I have conceived that the actions I made set things in motion. I may not know those parts that suppose to happen yet did not and its preempted underlying; and those that should not yet have taken its course -But hell I know, -I'm living one right one, the result of the choices I've made during the last 28yrs.

Maybe it's a gift that we all will never know tomorrow's history unless we live with it. To some, they may find the cycle of life an unending scheme of trouble and sorrow. But to those of us who beautifully sees the imperfection of things, definitely a day's gone by is a memory to keep, a treasure for a lifetime. To the others who believed that a day will never be without an ascent of the sun in the horizon, I guess they're the most hopeful ones. As I deeply fathom my heart's real intent in writing this article, I realized that I too, is doubtlessly losing it. It's funny though that at the end of every tiring trail, I always look back finding ways to comfort myself. I guess I was just hanging around to the thought that I am sane enough to convince myself that whatever and wherever this thing may go, I'm on it all the way. To top it all, I think that the logic behind the word 'happyness' is very complicated and the simplest way to attain it at most times if not all is to focus ourselves to what really makes us smile. Right? Now, you're smiling! Haha:)