Sunday, August 10, 2008

Warcraft's Chrysanthemum

I am not really good with names. Afterall, I have established a no-name in my creative writing and photography quest. I mean they say I do have the "what it takes" to be better but never did I was popular with a single name in them.

In my publications' articles and poems, I was used of pennames like Quinoy, Choyance and Djuk. Same as with the photo galleries and the Marawi 96.9 FM programs where i was too lax in choosing a common name that I can be known better by fans.
This made me understand the importance of this idea when i started to play Warcraft DOTA last April of this year.

I was amazed by players bringing confidently a single name in every game where time helped them established these names to the audience and to the common Warcraft World. Like for instance, a friend of mine named Kiara and was a very successful player has gotten a huge impact on getting the boys respect and caress since he was gay. And where did he got that name? Well, he said that he was baptized as Kiara by his landlord's siblings when the latter saw Kiara to be similar with their favorite cartoon movie, Lion King where a Kiara character exists.
Most names are too simple and plain. Some uses their birth names which is the simplest while others are strange combinations of their birtdates like Aprione and Thuzjeun. It is also noticeable how certain players make way for malicious names with no definite purpose at all.

One player I was curious to know because I have been hearing his name in my playing area is Madness. I really dont know how he got his name. But since he was noted to be good and skillful, not to mention that he is fair-looking which makes it a good combo, that was a factor for him to attract the audience watching. Even one of my colleagues fell on his arms and now has a name counterpart, Beauty&Madness not just to compliment the other but to show admiration.
On the other hand, Kix story is different. He claims that his name is a product of inspiration from a former girlfriend who has a dog who bears that name. The irony is that Kix is known to be marijuana and was a usual phychotic medication of the girl's family especially her brothers when they crave for something. Which gives me an epiphany that we have life mirrors as seen with the names we are using. It is simply like this: "What people do even nasty or freaky that we tend to like must also be of our interest". Crazy right?

Mine? Of course, it has a literature. It is a masculine flower that grows only in sunshine. Which also hints how easy and outgoing person I am. I may have difficulty now in telling what and where my name would take me but i know that sooner or later I would also have the same prestige that they have and by that time comes my name would speak for itself because of its brilliance aura and radiance.

Chrysanthemum?.. -He's beyond Godlike!!..

First published on my Friendster, May 26, 2007.